Accueil Santé Going back to the Source – Post Covid 19

Going back to the Source – Post Covid 19


Atma Namastey (I salute the Divinity in you) ! My name is Meghna Raghoobar, and I am being guided day-after-day to act as a catalyst in the transformational change that Planet needs at this point in time both for the human species and Mother Earth – by going back to the source. In the course of my contribution in the upcoming months on this out-of-the-box website, I will be sharing with you my perspectives on how I believe the shift could happen individually and on a global political level using my experience and expertise on ecology, alternative medicine and education as we move forward post covid-19 in Mauritius. Our country is unfortunately way behind at this point in time. I want to however take this moment to commend Rodrigues, on it’s ecological agenda.

Each month, I will get deeper on a specific topic applied to our Mauritian context. However, for the purpose of this introductory article, I wish, you to take some time to reflect on two things :

  1. What has this situation of #Covid19 taught you?
  2. How are you planning to do things differently moving forward?

In few lines, I will share with you 3 things I would have done with my kids at this point in time, during the confinement and post-confinement based on what this experience taught me.

During confinement :

  • I would have my kids basic life-skills (kitchen-gardening to start with) by upcycling cans and plastic bottles for plantation. By now, you will agree with me on this – Have you had a kitchen-garden, things would have been different for you when you heard about the #lockdown, isn’t it?
  •  I would have taught them cooking with very few ingredients. This is a life-skill in itself.  We are so much engrossed in our own comsumerist lifestyle that we forgot what is it to eat 1/3 of our stomach as yogic sages would advise it.
  • I would have done 30-minutes playful exercises, played board games and some outdoor games with them, have I had a space outside.

How many of you did it? If you did not, it’s never too late to start it, mo ban kamouad!

Post Confinement :

  • I would have made it a must to connect with nature along with my kids. I would have organised one hike per month with them. I would have taught them how to swim and go to the beach with them for snorkeling twice a month, and teach them the importance of preserving our marine eco-system and nature.
  • I would have supported them in mastering something they are passionate about at their most tender age. Their passion might change as they grow up, but at least they would have mastered so many things along the journey that would teach them so many survival skills for tougher times. Kids love everything that requires the hands – and parents need to encourage that. It is sad to realise that as parents, unfortunately for our own ‘peace of mind’ during the past 2 decades, we gave our kids, tablets, phones. What a laudable action from our behalf!
  • I would have played with them for 1-hour per day. Empathy and Compassion is an important attribute moving forward – we term it as Emotional Intelligence now, and it starts at home. When was the last time you played with your son/daughter?

Thank you mom and dad for having been the parent I look forward to be.

Stay tuned for my upcoming thoughts on the depth of ecology, alternative medicine and education.
Until then, remember it starts at home, and with YOU!

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Meghna Raghoobar
Co-Founder of SYAH | Director of HolistiZen | YALI Regional Fellow 2017 | Climate Reality Leader 2017 | Commonwealth Scholar 2014. Meghna Raghoobar is a catalyst co-creating transformational change through Yoga and Nature Activities, Ecological Concepts, Alternative Education and Holistic Medicine. She is a certified Yoga Instructor, a Socio - Environmentalist with an academic background in Sociology and Education for Sustainability, Founder and CEO of HolistiZen, and a Policy Influencer for Environment , Education and Wellness in Mauritius. She has impacted over 30,000 individuals over the past 10-years, and is currently embarked on a journey of co-creating transformational change through ecological concepts, yoga, nature activities, alternative education and medicine for the well-being of people and the planet through her enterprise HolistiZen. Meghna holds an MSc. in Education for Sustainability from London South Bank University. She is a Reiki Level 2 and Advanced Pranic Healer with Psychotherapy techniques, an Arhatic Yogi and a Certified Yoga Teacher (Yoga Alliance, US), and has been experiencing several meditation techniques over the course of her spiritual journey.


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