Accueil Santé Medical Cannabis “The Miracle Plant” and its “legalization”

Medical Cannabis “The Miracle Plant” and its “legalization”


Let me start by introducing myself, my name is Shirish RUMMUN and I was diagnosed with Cancer in 2018. I was also diagnosed with Diabetes Type 2 in 2010. My Mother, Grandmother and Grandfather were also diagnosed with cancer, which obviously leads to every single doctor claiming I had a genetic issue, however after doing the BRACA 1 & 2 test this averred to be negative, proving all these doctors from the USA, France, Israel, India, South Africa and Mauritius wrong.

I had sent my results to these “supposedly” best hospitals in the world to understand why this had happened to my body and what treatments they recommended to heal me. Since they were all following WHO protocol, this meant surgery to remove the tumor and its surrounding tissues, followed by Chemo therapy etc.

I then questioned one Doctor and told him if you injecting Chemo to destroy these bad cells in my body why do you have to scar my body for life, his response was I’m following Protocol and European laws and this is how patients are cornered and bullied into their treatments which most of the time do not work properly and you end up with a recurrence sooner or later, as the cause is not dealt with and none of them were able to tell me WHY this happened to me with, even with all the scientific work they claim to be doing and using on patients. I then realized it’s more like a game of Russian roulette they playing with us if one treatment doesn’t work hopefully the next one will.

medical cannabis

When my mother was diagnosed with her breast cancer, I started researching about other treatments that could be used to save her life and came to cross an article “Run for the Cure” by Rick Simpson and researched about the way he treated himself using Cannabis Salva to heal his skin cancer which worked for him and kept him alive till today, this also lead to me meeting an extraordinary lady by the name of Corrie Yelland who lives in Canada and also cured her Terminal Anal Cancer with Cannabis Oil after Doctors told her she had four months to live in 2011, yes she is still alive today in 2020 and is a leading advocate for Medical Cannabis.

With the current outdated laws on this island, I had no way of importing nor producing Cannabis oil for my mother and she passed away within 4 months and today I will say it out loud that the Government is to blame for my mothers’ death as well as thousands more on this island.

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Now back to me, after going through all this and realizing nothing has changed in the medical field I decided to take my life into my own hands and contacting more leaders in the Medical Cannabis field which lead me to speak with Dr. Cristina Sanchez Garcia who is a Molecular Biologist and discovered how THC and CBD the two main components of Cannabis destroy Cancer cells, as well as one the founders of Aunt Zelda’s Mr. Justin Kander who gave me valuable information on how to use and the different types of Cannabis Oil available.

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Looking at the state of affairs in Mauritius with its outdated laws it was impossible to have access to the Miracle plant and I was lucky enough to have South Africa open up its laws and give its people access to cannabis. I decided to fly out to South Africa where I stayed with friends and my healing journey started. Not only did I have to change my food intake drastically but had to detox my system and started on my cannabis oil protocols, this was quite scary at the beginning as I was not sure how it would pan out and still had the stigma that the product is a dangerous drug.

During this time my diabetes problem went away, and my cancer issue remained stable and started going away as my blood test improved, today I have to carry out the further tests to confirm it has gone away completely. With the COVID 19 issues we are all facing, I cannot travel nor import Cannabis oil to continue my treatment properly which is once again due to the draconian outdated laws still enforced on this island.

I was also lucky enough to travel to Switzerland and they discovered why this happened to my body. The doctors discovered the toxins stopped my body from working properly which lead to my Natural Killer cells to stop working, something no other doctor bothered to check and is very important for any cancer patient.

Depending on a person’s illness Cannabis oil, Cannabis Salva, etc. can be used in various ways, whereby CBD with very low THC percentage or CBD with higher THC percentages is used to heal a person.

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I can also confirm that I have never smoked any cannabis in my life, and while using Cannabis oil which is more concentrated than smoking, I have not suffered from cravings and have never suffered from any withdrawal symptoms which many people try to make the general population believe that a person becomes an addict to the product. Medical Cannabis is not a drug but will benefit patients with Cancer, Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, MS, Psoriasis, Hypertension, Glaucoma, Anxiety attacks, Parkinson, Tourette, Chronis Body Pain, and the list goes on, without all the side effects of modern medical products.

Cannabinoids are part of the human body and we all are born with an endocannabinoid system which needs CBD as a supplement to have healthy body research has proven today, so it’s not strange that God gave us this plant, something many people do not know, but it is proven that a mother breastfeeding her baby is producing cannabinoids and passing it on to her newborn baby, that’s one of the reasons breastfeeding is so important as no formula on the market contains cannabinoids.

Medical cannabis will not only help thousands of patients on this island but will also help open up new industries and create jobs for thousands, in the production, processing and medical industry, as well as the byproducts of the plant, also opens up more possibilities eg fuel, cloth, protein sources for humans and animals, construction material etc

We have around 6700 Cancer patients on this island with around 2000 new cases every year, and we have around 257,422 Diabetic patients on this island which is also growing.

Diabetic type 2 medication cost a patient Rs 268.00 per month for the cheapest medication at the pharmacies, which means for 257,422 patients a total of Rs 68,989,096.00 per month and a yearly figure of Rs 827,869,152.00 of which maybe half is funded by the MOH, whereby patients with proper nutritional knowledge and use of Medical Cannabis planted in their own back yard and used on a daily basis in the form of a juice or salad could help them tremendously and have fewer funds spent on this one disease alone on the taxpayers. We have to now ask ourselves who’s real benefit is looked at or taken into consideration considering the info.

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Cannabis or Medical cannabis is a human right, preventing people from having access to the plant and its products is a Human Rights Violation and a Crime to Humanity. People must start researching and understanding that this plant was used for Centuries in all communities and on all continents before a group of people made it illegal for their own benefit and stop being brainwashed to think it’s a drug.

By what right does any person have the right to prevent an individual from trying a plant or medication to regain his health and condone a person to death due to outdated laws? When all the scientific and modern chemical products do not work after paying hefty bills, doctors have the guts to tell patients “we cannot do anything else for you, go try natural alternative treatments and close the door on patients”, so why prevent us from trying natural plants first and in this case Cannabis.

Cannabis was first made illegal in Mauritius in 1840 while we were a British colony, yet remained legal in Britain, ask yourself why this was done and why were the people who brought their culture and way of life with them denied to maintain their life style.

I can only hope our decision-makers will start having sympathy and start having a bit of common sense and humanity in them to allow the sick to have access to a plant to stay alive, better their health and suppress suffering and not have to go to court like I am doing, so as to fight a battle to have access to this miraculous plant given to us by God and nature while still having to deal with health issues and causing unnecessary stress for no reason.

We have to also keep in mind that not all laws made are just and logical nor are they set up for the benefit of the general public as we have seen with slavery and now cannabis.

Rick Simpson – Run from the Cure
Corrie Yelland –
Dr Christina Sanchez –
Cancer Statistics –
Diabetes Statistics –

2 Commentaires

  1. Hats off to Mr Rummun, who could think outside the box, who made research… and forge himself into the unknown to heal his body. Unfortunately not many have this possibility to travel. I’m sure many of us, have seen and encounter a family battling cancer, it’s horrendously painful and we are left helpless in seeing them die.
    I personally suffer from chronic insomnia and panic attacks and while I was living in London, buppa insurance itself referred me to cbd oils since sleeping pills had too many side effects, those of you who suffer from insomia, depression, anxiety disorders and tell you that their whole day is messed up with side effects of medicine and life can never be the same again!
    For me, cbd oils relief was immediate, with absolutely no side effect the next day, not just getting on with life responsibilities and able to cope with stress. I never had the slightest dependence to the medicated cbd.
    Lots of people who suffered from migraine take medicated cbd and prove to have stopped all their migraine triggers.
    Unfortunately even with a prescription from London, Mauritius would never allow it through immigration.
    And it’s a shame on the government to prevent us to find some healing in this magical oil.
    Why magical !
    While I was in London under cbd, I realised that my immunity was better. I would not get hay fever attacks, allergies or cough and flu.
    While I read more about cbd I realised that the benefits of this oil is never ending.

    Why favour pharmaceutical industries that are making billions on our head !!!! We are indulging in side effect for our liver, kidney and vital organs!!!!

    In India, Ayurvedic and siddha medicine have used cannabis for centuries !!!!

    It is time we think of alternative, natural alternative to better our health.
    The crave for organic food etc have started!!!
    I pray we get the maximum support and strength to proof our point here
    Medical CBD does help immensely and we can not be prohibited to it!!!!

    I work and give my support to the legalisation or medicated cbd !

  2. Here in Mauritius this law will never be amended and legalized as the actual Govt already voiced out that under their leadership this will never ever happen!
    May be with better communications throughout time it will be possible but for sure for now it’s a dream!


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