On 5 May 2020, Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth stated the following in Parliament: “Together we will win, and together we will successfully adapt to the New World Order, from the economic and other related angles that will emerge post-COVID-19.” The state of affairs with the government is not even open to debate as on whether we, Mauritians, wish to be part of it or not. It is a decision that has been made. Already made. And this is where we are heading to with the new Covid-19 Act and the Quarantine Act. We will all watch helplessly as the old system crumbles to pave the way for a world where our movements, finances, and lifestyles will be minutely controlled. The question which inevitably arises is perhaps what is the difference between what was and what is now. The obvious answer is we were hitherto being watched and now we are also being controlled.

Reshaping the world means “someone in the shadow” holds the strings and remotely controls the mechanisms of everyday life. The Covid-19 list of amendments thus seems preparation for what we are experiencing now. Many of us have willingly signed up for a totalitarian regime hoping that things would get better as the powerful ones hypnotized the weakest by swinging the pendulum of wealth right in front of their eyes. As we are living at the end of days, whether we call it Apocalypse, Qiyamah or Kalyug, greed, lack of virtues, and sinful practices were bound to encourage many to reel on the hook and they did. No wonder why despite the disapproval and revolt of the population, the two most controversial Bills in the history of Mauritius were passed.

The current economic, social, and political nosedive is far from being a coincidence. It has been portrayed as a necessity for the welfare of one and all but is actually preparing the one in the shadow to establish his throne and rule the world. Known as Al-Dajjal for some and anti-christ for others, be it a person or a system, what is coming is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. For this to happen, it is essential to tame all individuals and bring together all countries. Markets will have to be uniformized, one same currency will have to be used everywhere, we will have to be modernized through a common technology (micro-chip perhaps?), human rights will inescapably be limited as there will have to be a one-way compulsory information sharing (from above only) and no possibility of protest and at the expense of being arrested without a warrant in your house (Section 11 of the Quarantine Act) and the likelihood of being killed in prison (recent facts speak volumes).
Whatever it is, whichever scriptures are right, it is a fact that adharma (lawlessness) has taken its toll on everyone’s life and we are facing the consequences. What is certain is that this will end someday, or in a few years. While some say Lord Kalki (10th reincarnation of Lord Vishnu) will end unrighteousness, and others say that the Mahdi or Jesus will end the reign of the evil one, what is certain is that there will be a destruction of the wicked. But what is essential today more than ever is to keep an analytical mind and be conscious of what is happening around us instead of being blind followers. We can only be free if we are free in our minds and upright in our hearts.
Ki bizin fer pou sorti ladan san ki ena domage collateral.
Seek out a peaceful means from the constitution to get rid of that prostxtxtx government within the shortest delay
Most of the population need to be educated.Here all they know is watching TV serial and mainstream news. They are not interested in knowing what is happening around the world. Most governments are greedy I think they believe money can buy anything. They don’t realise they have kids and grand kids who will have to face the future. Obviously current generation have lived most part of their life. We should stand up for our freedom. The police should protect the civilians not the government. It is the working class people including all employees pays for the public services. It seems that they want to keep us under confinement for as long as possible by creating another plandemic. Why don’t we start a group talk about how we can deal with this matter.
No one is allowed to meet
No one is allowed to chat
By today we are already under an unconscious part of being a slappy toy of an invisible power…
It s not about one government…it s more
Many many years ago…I had instincts telling me that one day the whole world will face something strange n similar…
But people would only think I was a bit crazy or eccentric…
Few friends were fan of the Aliens protecting our world…or threatening
I v been into many para assocn like Gospel groups Scient or other well known religious socio cultural
I v been there by chance to get an idea of what the gran predicts…how faith can guide people
But ther always s been a stubbornness inside me…I m comp. Laic
My only prayer is that no one loses his job!!!
N soon the Pandemics are over.
For the moment all countries n ind must concentrate on Agro alimentary auto sufficiency.
Global int collaboration …
Like the ability to open heartedly accept to get official deduction from hi salaried n distribute among the lower class ( for at least 18 months as they predict…) n possible back pay for average hi salaried…after 18months
Save all possible enterprises
Save people from losing their jobs n power of buying their basic needs
Power of educating their children
For the moment we must NOT worry of locals n Bonus…we must be Interested that NO ONE LOSES HIS JOB.
How to re invent Education
On line for all is Not the only solution
Online works for form 3 form 5 upper six students.
They are mature n prepared both academically n socially prio to n thus they can discipline n organise themselves to study online from home fir the sake of their exams
It s also better so as they avoid losing time n energy on bustops carrying heavy bags n all…
But form 1 2 4 lower…they hv to b prepared at school itself to boost their sense of learning
Same for primary schools:
G 1 2 3 at home with parents or gparents on tv
G 4 5 6 at school.
Under proper consignments
Infrastructures n hygienic norms to b reviewed in all places of work inc schools public n private sectors
Time of break
Spaces of work
Colleagues int
Toilets …
They hv discovered Aircon is the worse tool
So like this they need to.identify each sp tech point n work a solution appropriate to that
People need an anti covid attire ( like an integrated overall with filtered mask to travel outside) this can be created by scientists n textile workers at the beginning dress makers can create a fancy modelling artistic busn on that…
Everything must be viewed from a blooming point of view
If the main issue has been identified as a respiratory based pandemics issue,
Now that we hv contained that
We must find a complementary solution so as to allow everyone back in his routine again
An anti covid attire on the market for all
Buses n vans on time n well respecting norms of hygiene
No air con
Yoga n meditation for all
Good balance diet for all
No job lost
Re allocation of Human n all possible resources
All Businesses should b reviewed in a sustainable basis in order to protect the employment but also the Environment on long term basis
Aside each planter n agricultural rel workers the gov must employ university based genius from the faculty of science n agriculture n allow people to work hand in hand for a progressive economy n society in all countries
Like this Sustainable tourism EnvironmentEng marine biologists must work hand in hand with all business operating on the beaches
To shift n reallocate hawkers
N review Hotels activities
Same for the field of wastes management
N AgroAlimentary sectors inc Fisheries
All sectors MUST b reviewed n renovated in order To prop up business al whilst boosting the economyof each country n sim Protecting the Environment
Adding creativity in the lives of people will help us survive n giving us the possibilities to re invent n invest on all
All countries of the world must work hand in hand in order to share know how
N Natural solutions…
I stop here hoping these collab are not practiced merely for the sake of Demonic minds but also Angels ( I do believe they are)
Alternates to anything destructive to Human health must be scrutinised
( tobacco alcohol…over chemicals m pharmaceuticals)
We shall Not kill industries But reinvent them like the use of their end products or the route to create alt products…
The flexibility on working hours in n out are a V good thing indeed.
Im a middle aged Not too strong lady…my hub despise me constantly thinking life has been fk too graceful fir me…thinking i m mad n infused in an illusive world…
May be
But grace has always been on me because I believe in simple things for big resolutions
I live on simplicity n always tend to make savings from my small salaries
I v never rushed for more
But always seek stability
Without hurting others as far as possible
I believe in inter related help
But for now I m only thriving to help my 2 children grow up n realise the least they will b able to do in their lives…
My sincere wish all people of this world survive n grow better.
I kno extremeEcologists claim that people must die to save the Earth
But I also believe Humans were sent to this Earth by some God Himself
He gave us wisdom n the right to survive here itself until we die a Natural Death
Why kill humans before their times?????
This will create an unwanted density in the paraspiritual world all of a sudden…I believe
The cycle of cause n effect n karma will b distorted…
But those above us holding us with an invi string…as u guys said sm putting ec press or psy…are not from here
The Others….
They don t understand our life n death cycle
Just like Hitler killed all people he thought NOT DEEMED of living
Wudwig sterilised African women…their Natural selections….
They are Not Humans
But it s Not only their fault
It is above all the fault of the Humans first that we fight each other under Religious or skin colour or tribes differences
Knowingly that wars arm trafficking were only pol games…
Everyone was at it
Now that this war has stroke for the sake of protecting the environment…
Let All Humans think again
Working hand in hand in the sense putting minds together n under proper consignments 🤗
I trust all Humans can n hv the right to survive
Since ages their hv been Ends of days not of the world yet!!!
It means another Era will start
Books were sent by past Prophets pr Historians for the sake of opening our third eye…
Not for the sake of suicidng each other becomes the End of the World was ev bound to come one day!!!
One other thing…secrets are hidden in many places of the Earth inc Enoches rev
It s time instead of keeping secrets hidden n to b exploited by the Dem minds
Historians n the concerned popl find ways to reinvent creative museums…
I m not tot Human I m a fused
( semi rep Alienistic minded hybrid in the Human)
Thers a place for all
Minds should b put together not to destroy but reinvent recreate reallocate
This world is full of life n equations
Don t kill them
It s a plea
Find them n realise them in a Natural way…
Humans do understAND….they will learn to adapt
U hv already sent pandemics to threaten their lives…n economy was put into questions…poltics doubted
But instead of a Pandemy please open a via
A way of discussion whoever u r Alien Dems or Elites….
It s a plea
Now the voice of wisdom as I hv already been advising my girls: fir the coming 2 to 6 years DO NOT INFANT NEW BORNS
if possible Do not even get married in the Rush….
Concentrate on ur carriers ur inner self
It is v v v important these days each ind concentrate on his personal Energy n Aspirations
Each one can
Together we all can.
I may NOT survive soon… May b not..may b yess…the Lord has his plans. I don t belong to any Religion but respect all n Trust Him.
For meantime…I m only praying n making a plea daily night n day…that ther s a job for everyone.
N food n O2 fir All.
It is indeed an alarming trend of systematic and gradual erosion of rights that has been happening not just in Mauritius but also around the globe. There are no doubts in my mind that it is a concerted international effort towards one ultimate goal of world domination. However believing that some supernatural entity or event will end this ‘nightmare’ is still playing in the hands of the orchestraters of this New World Order. WHY? Because the religions Anishta mentioned all tell us to do one thing: just sit tight and pray, deliverance will come soon. As much as I respect the need to believe in religion for some, I don’t think it is wise to rely upon divine intervention. Education as someone else mentioned is a good starting point. For example studying the constitution of one’s own country should start in a simple form from early school years then become more in depth during secondary education onwards, then we will have a better prepared public.